
Serving 8000 plus meals to area seniors annually!


How we work

The Challenge

Each weekend, Weekend Meals on Wheels volunteers deliver nutritious meals to seniors and homebound persons in New Hanover County that might otherwise go hungry.

Going to the grocery store and cooking dinner are probably part of your normal routine. What would you do if you were physically unable to shop or cook for yourself?

Would your friends or family be able to assist you every day? If not, would you have the financial means to have meals prepared for you? Many of our clients find themselves facing these same challenges.

The Solution

The mission of Weekend Meals on Wheels is to ensure provision of nutritious meals and social contact to senior and disabled persons on weekends and other days not covered by the weekday Home Delivered Meals program in New Hanover County, North Carolina.

Weekend Meals On Wheels

Weekend Meals on Wheels exists to close the gap in nutritional care in Wilmington, NC and is a 501(c)3 organization. Please consider making a tax deductible donation or join our food preparation and/or delivery team.


Cost Per Meal Analysis

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